Louisiana Commercial and Business Litigation Law Firm

Keogh Cox has helped business owners and executives in Louisiana and elsewhere in the U.S. with difficult litigation in the state and federal courts of our home state.  New and long-time clients rely on us for the full range of business claims and disputes, including:

  • Breach of contract
  • Business loss
  • Piracy
  • Non-compete or solicitation

At the state level, we have litigated de novo issues, including those involving state regulatory law.  Nationally, our clients appreciate our hands-on approach to commercial issues, which has consistently achieved favorable, cost-effective results.  Our commercial litigation experience includes numerous declaratory actions, injunctions, and contractual and employment issues, many of which have been decided at the appellate level.

Experience Highlights

Client Story:  Use of Federal Court Motion Practice to Reduce and Eliminate Exposure

Where we started: A global oil and gas company and a D.C. company sued a Lafayette-based business in federal court under claims of single business enterprise and alter ego. The allegations claimed multi-million dollar damages that, if proven, could have been ruinous. Our roadmap: We facilitated a favorable settlement with one of the plaintiffs in the early stages of the litigation.  Keogh Cox then utilized motion practice to reduce and eliminate the majority of the remaining exposure.  This allowed us to negotiate a settlement of the remaining claims prior to trial, at a very small fraction of the amount claimed. Resolution: Our strategy to reduce the scope of the claims allowed us to reach a favorable settlement with respect to the remaining claims.  We were left with a long-term client who was free to continue its pursuit of ongoing and profitable business ventures. without the worries associated with open litigation.

Client Story:  Defense of Non-competition, Breach of Confidentiality and Unfair Trade Practice Act Violations

Where we started: An insurance agency and its employee were sued in connection with non-competition and trade practices issues.  The theory of the plaintiff, a competitor insurance agency, was that our client solicited its former employee and thereafter used her internal knowledge to solicit clients of the plaintiff, all while the two insurance agencies were discussing the possibility of a corporate buy-out. Our roadmap:  The litigation was complex and required experts in the fields of business valuation.  We systematically used motion practice and witness testimony to refute the factual allegations and theories of the plaintiff. Resolution:  The claim settled at a favorable value, and the employee remained employed with her new company – as allowed by the Louisiana public policies designed to encourage legal  competition amongst businesses.

Client Story:  Keogh Cox Blends Knowledge of Business, Products Liability and Construction Law to Provide a Unique Defense in Complex Litigation

Where we started: Keogh Cox represented an international pipe manufacturer in a suit by a large contractor alleging that the pipe, installed in a newly constructed hydro-chemical plant, was defective.  At issue was whether the pipe contained the appropriate metal components and met exacting mechanical standards, such that it wa5s appropriate to move hazardous chemicals.  The causes of action included redhibition, products liability, breach of contract, bad faith and misrepresentation. Our roadmap: By using a team of tort, business and construction attorneys, we were able to blend our strengths and experience in construction law, products liability and business law to address every single issue of the claim. Resolution: Our team worked with an engineer to develop an intricate defense to the case, resulting in a favorable resolution for the client.

More Details about Commercial Litigation

Our commercial trial lawyers are recognized nationally for providing sophisticated representation for large corporations, mid-size businesses and small companies involved in Louisiana disputes.  This has included representation in the following areas: