Louisiana Employer Labor and Employment Law Attorney Defense Firm

For decades, we have helped major insurance companies and Louisiana corporations of all types and sizes comply with complex employment laws, and prevent disputes and litigation. When difficult ­ and potentially expensive ­ labor and employment claims arise, our lawyers aggressively represent employers from throughout the U.S. in Louisiana’s state and federal courts and before our home state’s administrative agencies, developing strategies to achieve an efficient, speedy and favorable resolution. We have statewide, across-the-board litigation experience with Louisiana’s unique employment-related statutes, including those governing whistleblower, workers compensation and age discrimination claims.  Our lawyers regularly:

  • Defend clients cited for labor and employment violations
  • Handle U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) responses
  • Litigate Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 1983 and other civil rights claims and contractual disputes at trial and on appeal

Whenever we litigate, we focus on an early and thorough investigation of the facts and on developing and deploying an exit strategy, including the use of an aggressive motion practice.  Many of our clients have been with us for years, impressed with our responsiveness, results, competitive rates and commitment to outstanding client service. In addition to insurance companies, many of our labor and employment law clients are in the construction industry and retail sector.  We are also deep in maritime-related claims and issues, and often provide outside general counsel services to clients.

Experience Highlights

Client Story:  Local Business Gets an Early Resolution in an Age and Religious Discrimination Dispute

Where we started:  Keogh Cox was assigned to represent a central Louisiana store and its insurer in a claim by an employee involving age and religious discrimination. Our roadmap:  We responded to the U.S. EEOC charge and outlined the position of the store.  After that, our lawyers represented the company’s interests in the EEOC mediation process. Resolution:  Keogh Cox obtained a beneficial settlement during the EEOC claim stage even before a formal suit was filed, avoiding the risk of an expensive, time-consuming trial.  The settlement included a confidentiality agreement to protect the store from the dissemination of any claim-related information.

Client Story:  Serving as Outside General Counsel and Handling a Company’s Human Resources Needs

Where we started: A global company that provides services both locally and abroad needed a “general counsel” to assist with employment and HR issues. Our roadmap:  Our lawyers help the company with the:

  • Development of policies that comply with state and federal employment law statutes
  • Preparation of employment contracts that include non-competition, non-solicitation and confidentiality agreements
  • Post-incident representation in litigation that arises from allegations or harassment and/or discrimination.

We also offer general advice on decisions as to the hiring and firing of employees. Resolution: With our assistance, this client not only reduces the risks associated with its employment practices but anticipates and prepares for any claims that may arise.

Client Story:  Assistance in Responding to EEOC Investigative Inquiry

Where we started:  A national, Baton Rouge-based company was faced with an EEOC complaint under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Our roadmap:  We promptly assisted in the investigation of the claim, to include the compilation of witness statements and company data.  We assembled a concise factual and legal response to the EEOC to assist it in its investigation of the claim.  Because the claimant provided a demand that was not reasonable, the company appropriately elected to fight the claim, rather than mediate it with the EEOC. Resolution:  After a full and complete investigation, and based on the information provided by the company, the EEOC found the claim to be without merit.

More Details about Labor and Employment

Our labor and employment lawyers represent businesses and non-profits in and out of the courtroom.  In addition to defending employment-related claims and helping handle disputes, we draft employee handbooks, formulate employment policies and meet record retention obligations. As trusted advisors, we have years of experience helping employers get and stay in compliance with state and federal laws, including:

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), such as an analysis of whether an employee meets the definition of disability and negotiation of reasonable accommodations for a disabled employee
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), including compliance with minimum wage and overtime laws, the new “White-Collar” excemption, and rules guaranteeing employees rest and meal breaks
  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and other state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on sex, age, race, disability, national origin or other protected status.

In addition, our lawyers handle internal investigations, advise officers, executives and other professional employees on contractual matters relating to employment.  These include general employment agreements, non-compete clauses and enforcement of non-competition agreements, confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements and severance packages, separation agreements and release of liability forms.