Louisiana Oil and Gas Attorney Litigation Defense

We are often called on to defend companies in the oil, gas and chemical industries in lawsuits brought by a landowner or group of landowners, seeking compensation for various environmental impacts, losses, clean-up and other damages.  These plaintiffs claim that the companies caused their property to become polluted and contaminated as a result something done in the past, often accusing every operator or company that worked at or near the site, going back decades.

Experience Highlights

Client Story:  Bayou Corne Sinkhole Litigation

Where we started:  Keogh Cox is currently representing one of the insurers in the Bayou Corne Sinkhole litigation pending in Louisiana’s federal and state courts.  This case involves ten separate suits, proceeding simultaneously, seeking damages as a result of the formation of a 29-acre sinkhole of unknown origin in Assumption Parish, Louisiana.

Our roadmap:  There are complex causation theories, complex legal issues and a variety of large claimed damages, including business interruption, lost profits, personal injury, property damage and environmental damage.  The numerous insurance coverage issues involve the multi-layer insurance programs, such as application of various exclusionary provisions, the triggering and exhaustion of coverage, the potential for multiple occurrences and application of horizontal loss spreading and choice of law issues.

Resolution:  The firm is actively involved in litigation of this complex, multi-party action.


More Details about Legacy Litigation

Keogh Cox has handled many of the biggest and potentially costly civil lawsuits involving asbestos, benzene and other toxic tort claims in the recent history of this type of litigation in Louisiana.  Because of our experience with legacy litigation, we understand the management of expert witnesses and the discernment of technical facts ­ all key factors in obtaining a favorable resolution.