Louisiana Real Estate Malpractice Liability Defense Law Firm

Our real estate professional liability defense experience in Louisiana sets us apart for liability claims involving real estate agents, brokers and property appraisers.  We are a leader in this unique area of the law and are sought after to represent professionals and their insurers ­ as well as the self-insured ­ at trial, on appeal and even when litigation is threatened but not yet filed. The breadth and depth of our tort litigation experience across a wide range of industries and matters is another plus for clients.  Because of this experience, we understand the cases and issues underlying such claims and make these a strategic part of our defense plan.  We also understand the stress that professional liability claims place on our clients, with their careers and reputations on the line, which drives our aggressive motion practice and interest in getting to an early and favorable resolution.

Experience Highlights

Client Story:  Suit Against Appraiser Dismissed

Where we started:  An appraiser was sued by a property purchaser for an acknowledged zoning error in the appraisal report prepared for a lending institution. Our roadmap:  When we investigated this case, our lawyers determined that the appraiser’s duty of care was owed to the lending institution rather than the purchaser, which had not seen the appraisal report prior to the closing. Resolution:  The suit was dismissed by summary judgment.  Earl Dufrene matter, 22nd Judicial District Court, St. Tammany Parish.

Client Story:  Listing Agent Sued for Unfair Trade Practices

Where we started:  Our client was a listing agent, who was sued for unfair trade practices based on an allegation that he deliberately misled the homebuyer about known hidden defects in the home, and discouraged a pre-closing inspection. Our roadmap:  Our lawyers filed an exception of peremption, contending that the one year period for filing unfair trade practices claim was peremptive and therefore not subject to any form of interruption or suspension. Resolution:  The suit was dismissed.   Shawn Doyle matter, 22nd Judicial District Court, St. Tammany Parish.

Client Story:  Misrepresentation of Real Estate Listing Data

Where we started:  A national real estate agency franchisor was sued by homebuyers.  The plaintiffs alleged negligence, fraud and unfair trade practices.  The lawsuit was based on claimed misrepresentations in the property description of the lot the homebuyers purchased, allegedly viewed on the franchisor’s website. Our roadmap: Our lawyers filed a motion for summary judgment that demonstrated the untimeliness of the suit, and that the franchisor neither knew nor should have known of the claimed misrepresentation in the property description. Resolution:  The suit was voluntarily dismissed.  Lisa and Daniel Lambert matter, 21st Judicial District Court, Tangipahoa Parish.

Client Story:  Negligence Alleged

Where we started:  A property buyer’s real estate agent was sued, alleging negligence because the property purchased by the plaintiff was a different lot than intended. Our roadmap:  We prepared and filed a motion for summary judgment  demonstrating that the agent’s duty of care does not extend to the client’s failure to have the property surveyed. Resolution:  The suit was voluntarily dismissed.  Christine Renee Redmond matter, 23rd Judicial District Court, Ascension Parish.